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MEGA 225



Drostanolone Enanthate 125 mg Stanozolol Cypionate 100 mg
Drosanolone Enanthate 125 mg/ml
Stanozolol Cypionate 100 mg /ml


Megabol 225 is mostly designed for cutting or lean mass purposes. It give you the advantage of cycles long acting ester products like, Stanozolol Cypionate and Drostanolone Enanthate without having many painful injections per week. It haves powerful total 225 mg dosage so dosage should be decided between 3-6 ml per week. Ultrabol 250 is very effective on cutting cycles so its a better idea to use it for cuttuing purposes. The cutting and fat burning effect of Drostanolone and Stanozolol will greatly enhance the competition look. Megabol 225 injections are not problematic so users will enjoy this product with quite comfort. For Cutting and competition physique cycle Megabol 225 with Testabolon 100. For Example 4 ml of Megabol 225 ( injections should be twice per week) and 4 ml Testabolon 100( injections should be every day or every other day) per week will give very powerful results. For lean mass, combine 4 ml Megabol 225 per week with Long acting Testosterons which will need twice per week injections like , Testabolon 200 (3-5 ml per week) , Testabolon 250 ( 2-4 ml per week) and Testabolon 400 ( 1,5-2,5 ml per week ). For Bulking, Equitest 350 can also be a very interesting choice. This product will offer the advantage of 2 very anabolic agents such as Boldenone Undecylenate and Testosterone Enanthate in same bottles with a high concentration like 350 mg / ml. When you will add to 3-4 ml of Eqitest 350 to 3-4 ml of Megabol 225 you will have a very very powerful combination . As another choice Decatest 350 can also be repalced instead of Equitest 350 , both Equitest or Decatest will work prefectly. Dont worry about aromatization because Drostanolones Anti-Aromatize effect will reduce water and fat retention.

What can be good with Megabol 225 ?

– Anyway its a very complete product but still some advanced users can have benefit from :

– Equibolon 200 and Equibolon 400 ( with addition of 1 kind of Testabolon of your choice)

– Equitest 350

– Decatest 350

– Testabolon 100 , Testabolon 200 , Testabolon 250 , Testabolon 400

– Stanolon 10 tablets , Stanolon 50 and Stanolon 100 injectables

– Oxandrolone 10 , Oral Turinabol 10 , Provirone 25 , Mestanolone 10 , Superdrol 10 Tablets.

– T-3 ( Throid ) tablets

– 1-Testomax 75 ( Dihydroboldenone )

What can be alternatives for Megabol 225 :

– Ultrabol 225 ( with some Stanolon and / or Masterolon addition , )

– Ultrabol 200 ( with some Stanolon and / or Masterolon addition )

– Ultrabol 175 ( with some Testabolon 100 and / or Stanolon addition )

– Ultrabol 150 ( with some Stanolon addition and /or Primobolon 75 )

– Megabol 200 ( with some Stanolon and / or Masterolon addition )

– Megabol 275 ( with some Testabolon 100 addition )