On-Sale Products

  • OZAMPİC 1 MG Original price was: $150.00.Current price is: $110.00.
  • NOLVADEX 10 MG Original price was: $35.00.Current price is: $30.00.

MEGA 300



Trenbolone Drostanolone Testosterone 300mg/ml
Trenbolone Enanthate 100 mg /ml
Drostanolone Enanthate 100 mg /ml
Testosterone Enanthate 100 mg /ml


Megabol 300 is many customers favourite product with such a great and versitale combination. It is deisgned Bulk and Lean mass purposes. It carries 1 steroid from each type and all steroids are choosen to match perfectly with each other. It carries Trenbolon which is a powerful steroid with many good abilities, Drostanolone for solidfy the bulk gains and stops extra water and fat retention plus as an anti-estrogen and finally long ester Testosterone for promoting needed muscle mass. You may consider Megabol 300 as leaner version of Ultrabol 300. You may use Megabol 300 at the start of Competition preparation and after that you may switch products to Ultrabol 150 and add Stanolon tablets to maximize cutting effect.

For off season purposes there are many customers who gain 15–22 lbs (7 – 10 kg ) without fat or water per cycle with this product

As an Example:

Lets say you have 20 weeks to competition

Megabol 300 4–5 ml per week for 12 weeks long

Ultrabol 150 5–6 ml per week for last 8 weeks

Stanolon tablets 40–50 mg per day last 3 weeks

What can be good with Megabol 300?

– Anyway its a very complete product but still some advanced users can have benefit from:

– Stanolon 10 tablets, Stanolon 50 and Stanolon 100 injectables

– Primobolon 100, Primobolon 75

– Oxandrolone 10, Oral Turinabol 10, Provirone 25, Mestanolone 10, Superdrol 10 Tablets.

– T–3 ( Throid ) tablets

– 1-Testomax 75 ( Dihydroboldenone )

What can be alternatives for Ultrabol 300:

– Ultrabol 250 ( with some Testosterone addition)

– Ultrabol 225 ( with some Stanolon and / or Masterolon addition , )

– Ultrabol 200 ( with some Stanolon and / or Masterolon addition )

– Ultrabol 175 ( with some Testabolon 100 and / or Stanolon addition )

– Ultrabol 150 ( with some Stanolon addition and /or Primobolon 75 )

– Megabol 200 ( with some Stanolon and / or Masterolon addition )

– Megabol 225 ( with some Trenbolon 200 and Testabolon 100 addition)

– Megabol 275 ( with some Testabolon 100 addition )