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  • OZAMPİC 1 MG Original price was: $150.00.Current price is: $110.00.
  • NOLVADEX 10 MG Original price was: $35.00.Current price is: $30.00.




Oxandrolone 10 mg tablets,100 tablets per pouch Pharmaceutical Name: Anavar Chemical name: Oxandrolone Product form: 10 mg tablets,100 tablets per pouch


Oxandrolone is mild low androgenic 17-alphalkylated anabolic steroid with very low toxicity. It doesnt convert to estrogen so estrogen related side effects such as fat/water retention, high blood pressure are not a concern. Oxandrabolin is a very safe drug, most users dont see any side effects at all. Excellent for the users who are afraid of steroids but need some extra growth and athletic boost.

Oxanadrolone is an oral drug for promoting weight gain in humans experiencing atrophy of the muscles including HIV and other muscle wasting ailments. Dosage is 10-50 mg per day . Can be cycled with Parabolin, Primabolin, Masterilon for cutting. For lean mass cycles, Decabolin, Ganabolin, Methabolin can be added. A combination of Testosteron / Oxandrabolin can be excellent for bulking and adding new muscle mass.